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KWK Meeting: Nov. 2022

  • Tauondi College 1 Lipson Street Port Adelaide, SA, 5015 Australia (map)

KWK meetings are held monthly at Tauondi College to discuss and approve requests for translations and other matters related to Kaurna language.

Meeting agenda and minutes are available to KWK committee members and the Kaurna Community in the “Members” area of the Kaurna Warra website.

Interested parties with language requests for consideration by KWK may be invited to attend to discuss their project/proposals/questions, provided the relevant questionnaires have been submitted beforehand. (Please contact prior to the meeting to ensure time is allocated in the meeting agenda).

21 November

Intensive Course: Reclaiming languages - a Kaurna case study

2 March

Australian Indigenous Languages : Kaurna focus