
KWK AGM 2023
***Please note rescheduled date of Wed. 8th Nov.*** KWK AGMs are held annually at the organisation’s registered home, Tauondi College. All members (including associate members) are warmly invited and encouraged to attend.
Australian Indigenous Languages : Kaurna focus
This course provides an introduction to Australia's Indigenous languages with a particular focus on the Kaurna language of the Adelaide Plains, South Australia.

KWK Meeting: Nov. 2022
KWK meetings are held monthly to discuss and approve requests for translations and other matters related to Kaurna language.
Intensive Course: Reclaiming languages - a Kaurna case study
Gain an insight into the ways in which Kaurna sources are being used to forge a new Kaurna identity and develop an associated language which is being used to address contemporary needs in the 21st century
Cert II in Learning an Endangered Aboriginal Language (Tauondi - Evening Class)
This course provides an introduction to the Kaurna language (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People).
Cert II in Learning an Endangered Aboriginal Language (Tauondi - Daytime Class)
This course provides an introduction to the Kaurna language (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people).
Cert II in Learning an Endangered Aboriginal Language (Payinthi College)
This course provides an introduction to the Kaurna language (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People).
Australian Indigenous Languages : Kaurna focus
This course provides an introduction to Australia's Indigenous languages with a particular focus on the Kaurna language of the Adelaide Plains, South Australia.
Summer School: Reclaiming languages - a Kaurna case study
Gain an insight into the ways in which Kaurna sources are being used to forge a new Kaurna identity and develop an associated language which is being used to address contemporary needs in the 21st century
Cert III in Learning an Endangered Aboriginal Language
This course provides an introduction to Australia's Indigenous languages with a particular focus on the Kaurna language of the Adelaide Plains, South Australia.
Reawakening Kaurna - Research Tuesdays
In the not-too-distant past, reclaiming the Kaurna language was widely considered impossible. When reclamation efforts began in 1989, the Adelaide Plains’ Indigenous people had not heard their sleeping native tongue for over a century.
In this special presentation leading up to Reconciliation Week, and marking the International Year of Indigenous Languages, you’ll learn how it is being done.

2019 - Year of Indigenous Languages
2019 has been declared as the Year of Indigenous Languages to raise awareness of the crucial role they can play in development, peace building and reconciliation as well as their importance in the daily lives of so many people around the world.

Kaurna Warra Wangirntu - Kaurna Language Week 2014
The Kaurna Language Week 2014 aims to introduce to the wider public achievements, places and concepts of the reclamation and revival of the Aboriginal Language on the "Adelaide Plains", Kaurna.

Handover ceremony - 1840s Kaurna children’s letters
Handover ceremony by Leipzig Mission representatives to Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi of letters written by Kaurna children in the 1840s.