Ngarrpadlalya – Dr Alitya Wallara Rigney
“Respected Aboriginal elder Alice Rigney remembered as pioneering educator and cultural warrior”
Dr Alice Rigney (right) used "the chalk and the blackboard" to break down barriers, her son (left) said.(Twitter: Dr Lester Rigney) (Image courtesy of ABC News)
It is with a deep sense of loss and sadness that we recognise the passing of a great Kaurna language warrior, Dr Alitya Wallara Rigney. Ngarrpadla Alitya was involved in the reclamation and the re-introduction of the Kaurna language from the beginning, managing the funds for the Ngarrindjeri, Narrunga and Kaurna Languages Project in 1989-90, hosting our Kaurna language workshops in the early 1990s, introducing the Kaurna language into Kaurna Plains School in 1992 and being closely involved at every step of the way since then. Ngarrpadla Alitya was one of the founders of KWP.
Way back in 1990, Ngarrpadla Alitya saw me deconstructing Kaurna sentences recorded by Teichelmann & Schürmann (1840) and was captivated by the process that began to reveal the complexity and genius of her language. She encouraged others to get involved. She was not afraid to grapple with complexity and took pride in getting a headset on the ergative case. She always asked for interlinear glosses in any translations that we did, so that she could understand how the language worked.
Ngarrpadla Alitya had the courage to go against the flow and against what many were advising her to do in the interests of her people and her language. She was not afraid to get in there and do it herself and kept learning throughout her life. But she also encouraged and fostered the involvement of the younger generation. She believed in reconciliation as collaboration - doing things together in partnership.
We are forever grateful for the massive contribution Ngarrpadla Alitya made throughout her life. Her fire and enthusiasm still burns brightly in our hearts (tangka ‘liver’ in the Kaurna language). We will always remember her love, friendship and concern for others. Rest in peace Alitya. A life well-lived.
Rob Amery (on behalf of KWP) 18 May 2017.
Key points:
Ngarrpadlalya – Dr Alitya Wallara Rigney passed away this weekend
Dr Rigney was a founder member of Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi
As principal of Kaurna Plains School, she introduced Kaurna language teaching there in 1992