My Side of the Bridge: The Life Story of Veronica Brodie
Veronica Brodie was an Aboriginal woman of Ngarrindjeri-Kaurna descent. She grew up at Raukkan (previously known as Point McLeay, on the southern shores of Lake Alexandrina) and until the mid-1960s lived under the Aborigines Protection Board. Later, after training as a nurse, marrying, having five children and recovering from alcoholism, Veronica Brodie was involved in the Hindmarsh Island Bridge affair, on the side of the Ngarrindjeri women who knew of the secret women's business and sought to stop the construction of the bridge. Veronica Brodie was a respected Aboriginal elder who worked to help her people remember and value their culture and traditions. This is her story as told to Mary-Anne Gale.
Paperback, first published 2002 by Wakefield Press, Adelaide SA.
Veronica Brodie was an Aboriginal woman of Ngarrindjeri-Kaurna descent. She grew up at Raukkan (previously known as Point McLeay, on the southern shores of Lake Alexandrina) and until the mid-1960s lived under the Aborigines Protection Board. Later, after training as a nurse, marrying, having five children and recovering from alcoholism, Veronica Brodie was involved in the Hindmarsh Island Bridge affair, on the side of the Ngarrindjeri women who knew of the secret women's business and sought to stop the construction of the bridge. Veronica Brodie was a respected Aboriginal elder who worked to help her people remember and value their culture and traditions. This is her story as told to Mary-Anne Gale.
Paperback, first published 2002 by Wakefield Press, Adelaide SA.
Veronica Brodie was an Aboriginal woman of Ngarrindjeri-Kaurna descent. She grew up at Raukkan (previously known as Point McLeay, on the southern shores of Lake Alexandrina) and until the mid-1960s lived under the Aborigines Protection Board. Later, after training as a nurse, marrying, having five children and recovering from alcoholism, Veronica Brodie was involved in the Hindmarsh Island Bridge affair, on the side of the Ngarrindjeri women who knew of the secret women's business and sought to stop the construction of the bridge. Veronica Brodie was a respected Aboriginal elder who worked to help her people remember and value their culture and traditions. This is her story as told to Mary-Anne Gale.
Paperback, first published 2002 by Wakefield Press, Adelaide SA.